Build your skills in Riichi Mahjong!
The joy of riichi mahjong is that it's a "lifetime game." That means there are always ways to learn, grow, and improve, whether you've been playing for one week or thirty years.
At Riichi Nomi, we help our members improve on the skills they have to reach the next level of mahjong play! This page shares some resources to help you level-up at riichi mahjong. Join our Discord for personalized recommendations, advice, and game log reviews for more help!

Resources for Your Level
For Everyone: Get Playing!
Play in person in NYC: we play every Sunday from 12pm-8pm (sometimes longer); join our Discord to see where we're playing this week and other in person events!
Play online:
​Beginner Riichi Resources
Riichi Mahjong Cheat Sheet Simple: Just the Yaku You Need for your First Games (by Aranlyde)
Riichi Mahjong Cheat Sheet Full: All the Yaku and Information This Time (by Aranlyde)
Intermediate Riichi Resources
YouTube Series
Advanced Riichi Resources
Mental Game Riichi Resources
Have a recommendation for another resource to link? Send it to us at nycriichinomi@gmail.com or on our Discord!

Become a Riichi Nomi Member!
We encourage Riichi Mahjong fans from near and far to become a member of Riichi Nomi NYC! Members are invited to exclusive members-only tournaments and fun social events, and they receive extra coaching from our talented Officer team. Member contributions promote a wide variety of Riichi Mahjong-related activities, such as in-person meetups, online play sessions, YouTube educational videos, and organization of internationally recognized tournaments taking place right here in New York. Your membership ensures New York City will continue to be a hub for Riichi Mahjong activity in the USA!