Save the date for the International Day of Mahjong Tourney!

Nomies, get ready for our annual International Day of Mahjong Tourney at Sparrow's Nest on Saturday, August 3rd!
Every year we celebrate as close to 8/1 as possible. Sign ups are full, please check Discord to join the waitlist. In honor of IDOM, we will be running a special ruleset that includes the Charleston from American Mahjongg and the local yaku American Civil War will be turned ON. The prize for this tournament is our custom branded set of Riichi Nomi shugi / chips! Good luck to all tournament entrants!
Our IDOM tournament was a resounding success! We saw many different yakuman, as one might expect when you introduce the Charleston to a bunch of riichi players!
Michael H. wins a riichi ippatsu suuankou!
Congratulations to Edward Liu for taking top prize and winning our shuugi set! See you all next year!
